Tuesday, 4 March 2008

No Class this Thu (6/3/08)

Please be advised that there will be no class tomorrow. TOA is organising the Neuro Linguistic Program (NLP sessions) at the Auditorium (top floor) for sem 1&2 students.

#English Session – 5th & 6th March 2008 at Audio Visual Hall (3rd floor), 9am

You should all attend as NLP is the training buzz word around town these days.

We will meet next Thursday (March 13) at the same time & venue. Please pass the word around.

Cheers, MayAnn

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Welcome to Language & Communication Skills 1

Dear Student,
Welcome to our class language & presentation skills blog & welcome to TOA!

In the next 12 weeks, we will be exploring and learning about presentations;
its role in social & business communication, presentation theories and strategies
on how to be an effective presenter. The course will begin by asking questions like 'Who am I', 'Why should I learn to be a good presenter', discussing what is motivation and self esteem and how these attributes affect us in becoming an effective learner. We will then identifying the 6 Steps to writing and delivering an impactful presentation.

You are encouraged to post any questions, discussion points on presentation.

You may reply to your classmates' posts and respond with your own ideas and thoughts. This way you will learn from each other. There are no real rules in this blog! But remember that it is important to be courteous in your writing. It is also a good idea to always check your work and use the spell check before you publish so your thoughts are coherent and easy for others to follow.

Blogs are great communication tools so in order to make the most out of them, each of you are encouraged to participate here! Make this place an extension of your own blog! Start by introducing yourself: name, interests, hobbies and what makes you happy!

Sunday, 15 July 2007

The Rule Of Three

Your group should begin to explore some interesting Topics & 3 Key Points.

The Rule of Three is a principle in English writing that suggests that people tend to remember in 3's. Things that come in 3's are also inherently funnier, more effective and more memorable. Below are 2 ways you can organise your presentation.

You may post your Group Topic and 3 Key Points following this format:-

For example:-
Topic: Organ Donation In Malaysia
Specific purpose: To persuade my audience that organ donation is a way of saving lives.
Central idea: To explain the process of donating and transplantation from a Malaysian perspective, including consideration of cultural views.

In Time/Chronology structure.
Key Point 1: The History of Organ Donation. Statistics?
Key Point 2: What is the Organ Donation Process
Key Point 3: Cultural Views in Msia & their implications

Elaborate and explain each point, give examples.


By using the 5Ws & 1H
3 Key Points-
Point 1: What is organ donation, Who can donate. Who came out with the idea?
Explain, elaborate
Give 3 evidence (Show don't tell)

Point 2: Why is it a way of saving lives. How is it transplanted?
Explain, elaborate
Give 3 evidence

Point 3: When & Where is it done.
Explain, elaborate
Give 3 evidence