Sunday, 15 July 2007

The Rule Of Three

Your group should begin to explore some interesting Topics & 3 Key Points.

The Rule of Three is a principle in English writing that suggests that people tend to remember in 3's. Things that come in 3's are also inherently funnier, more effective and more memorable. Below are 2 ways you can organise your presentation.

You may post your Group Topic and 3 Key Points following this format:-

For example:-
Topic: Organ Donation In Malaysia
Specific purpose: To persuade my audience that organ donation is a way of saving lives.
Central idea: To explain the process of donating and transplantation from a Malaysian perspective, including consideration of cultural views.

In Time/Chronology structure.
Key Point 1: The History of Organ Donation. Statistics?
Key Point 2: What is the Organ Donation Process
Key Point 3: Cultural Views in Msia & their implications

Elaborate and explain each point, give examples.


By using the 5Ws & 1H
3 Key Points-
Point 1: What is organ donation, Who can donate. Who came out with the idea?
Explain, elaborate
Give 3 evidence (Show don't tell)

Point 2: Why is it a way of saving lives. How is it transplanted?
Explain, elaborate
Give 3 evidence

Point 3: When & Where is it done.
Explain, elaborate
Give 3 evidence


Anonymous said...

Are we going to have class on Monday 1st of Aug, some said was canceled?

i don't quite remember our topic for the group presentations but is something like 'students get bullied inside the school premises by others students in Malaysia'.Let say this is our topic for our group presentation,

1.what should should we state for the 3 key points? can you please give me an example? thanks. ……………thanks

2.any note u gave us that i can refer to? …………thanks again

3.what is the rule of three? any note to refer to?……….. double thanks many pages should our research folder be? …………..triple thanks

5.a.for our research folder i only know that we need a cover page with comm. skills, group topic, group name, lecturer names stated. Anything else?
b. table of contents, contents, appendix and reference listed. anything to add on? number, times new romans/aerial font style, font size 12 and double spacing between each line. That's all? …………………….many many thanks

6.what should we do during the presentations day itself as well as the research folder? ……………….infinite thanks all the group member need to speak/present during the presentation? ……………….don’t know what to say but thanks long is the presentations for each group?……………..really don’t know what to say but thanks many marks is the group presentation? ……………please don’t get fed up, thanks

10. do we need to use power point during our presentation? ……… more to go,thanks

11.what is that 3 circle with enforcement , infrastructure and education listed inside ur blog? Does it has any use for our presentation? ………………finally you have reach the end, thank you so much for spending your precious time reading through all the question and your patient and dedication towards all of us is most grateful……THANK YOU ‘MAY ANN’

#Due to certain reasons, This student is unwilling to reveal his name(probably May Ann would chases him up with a PARANG, if she knows who is he >_<). For the time being just announce him as "X" FROM CDO75-4.

Maya C said...

Dear Anonymous,
Next time do put your name down here. I wont chase you with a parang.
I'm sorry but I've been too busy in the last days to reply to questions as almost all was already discussed at class. Anyway, just to reiterate:-
1) Example? I believe I have given many at class. Choose 3 BEST key points for your topic. Remember it should be persuasive (to persuade).
2) Refer to all your presentation handouts given at class for a recap especially on 6 steps speech outline.
3) Refer to this entry.
4) How many pages? You should have at least 350 words each (1100 words) or 400 words for teams of 4 (1,600 words). Mentioned at class & negotiated by your classmates.
5)a. Harvard Style of referencing in-text and reference list.
b. Not necessary. This is a SPEECH not a report writing format.
c. yeap

6) pass folder to me during your presentations
7) Only 2-3
8) 10-15 mins
9) 40%
10) powerpoint as per rules taught but not compulsary
11) I'm sorry if the circles confused you. Nothing to do with your presentation. Only meant to give you an idea of inter linked points. I have taken the pix out.

Have you been attending classes? You do sound as if you haven't been going for classes as all these were mentioned many times! Please refer to you COURSE OUTLINE for questions 8,9.

Hope this helps. MayAnn